I’m a big believer in down time, it rejuvenates the soul. Our weather here this weekend was simply sublime y’all. Not to hot, not to cold and my darlin’ had a contest that was actually in town this time. So I skipped out on my plans to cook a bunch of recipes and yielded to the siren call of the ocean.

I just can’t resist…

Visions of monkey-heads walking in the shore break.

The double cow-licked, strawberry blond mop-top of my oldest child. Blame your grandma baby.

My little cutie pie flinging sand and enjoying himself, even with a cast on.

Cute little bare feet all covered in sand. They bring back memories ofย  “This Little Piggy” every time I see them.

All three of my guys in one place at one time… with me.

Using flip flops as shovels, truly they are handy. Sorry I couldn’t resist the pun.

His unbridled joy. It makes me feel all giddy and prone to indulge in teenage like whims.

Snapping shots of his bum as he walks down the beach. Now if he would just lower his board.

His killer calf muscles that make even me slightly envious. Gotta love a nice pair of legs.

Capturing my baby and my love surfing in the same shot, it doesn’t happen very often.

A gaggle of flip flops lying in the sand.

My jeans slightly wet and my toes covered in sand. I’ll take this for as long as I can get it.

My soul is refreshed, recipes are coming later on this week and I’m sending you all warm sandy hugs.

Love ya,

Tickled Red

Today as I enjoyed a leisurely afternoon of playing my favorite game of Catch-Up I sent the monkeys outside to play. You know, being a good mom and keeping the grey matter IN their brains rather than leaking out of their ears from overexposure to video games. Sun, fun and friends just what every little boy or girl needs right? Gooey ear leakage is now the least of my worries. I can always use left over wine corks or Shoe Goo to plug up their ears.

The boys were outside all of 10 minutes when Monkey Two came bolting into the house holding his arm, crying and in pain. Fortunately or as it turns out unfortunately my surfer had walked in the door just 5 minutes before all of the fa-houie broke loose. We loaded up the boys and rushed off to the doctor’s office. Four hours and three x-rays later M2 is the proud owner of a fractured wrist. Now you all are probably wondering how my smart, obedient, sweet cutie fractured his arm.


See the silver truck in the background? And the big tire? That’s what. M2 disobeyed one of dad’s rules this afternoon. He was climbing the tire into the back of the truck, in my flip-flops no less, when he fell. Evidently M1 took off on his bike and M2 wanted a higher vantage point to scope out the neighborhood and see where his big brother had taken off too.

Mmm,Hmmm…laugh it up chuckles. Wait until the cast is put on Monday afternoon. Not only are your climbing days over but I’m thinking about having the cast extend all the way up your thumb as pay back for giving me a heart attack today. You can kiss those video games goodbye Jack. Nah! Just kidding, I love this sweet baby too much but I will definitely be digging out the wax ear plugs and bell {sigh} not TICKLED.

You all probably think from the photo above that this is how I will be spending the next hour. No that is not what the Wild Turkey is for, though my surfer and I deserve a nip or two. The bourbon is a hint of what’s coming up in the next post. The one that I was half way through when Monkey Two decided to see who was tougher him or the ground. Monkey 0… Ground 1…live and learn.

I am off to snuggle with my little guy and keep him close beside me all night long. I promise ya’ll some yummy posts are coming very soon. As long as the monkeys keep their feet on the ground and the leprechaun’s stop stirring up trouble.

Love ya,

Tickled Red

PS: Notice the slightly fuzzy photos? I evidently fiddled the wrong way with my settings the other day, go figure. I’m working onย  it ya’ll but I am clueless as to what I did. Time to pull out the ole’ manual ๐Ÿ™‚

Ya’ll didn’t know it but my darlin’ surfer has been in California for THREE WHOLE WEEKS. Why didn’t I tell you guys? Ummm… because I am a paranoid freak as some of you may well know. If you are new to TR enjoy this littleย  glimpse into my life of paranoid, sleep deprived psychosis while my surfer is off living the gypsy life of a surf coach.

I can say unequivocally that 3 weeks is entirely to long for that man to be away from home. That many weeks without a decent nights sleep, hugs, monkey support, snuggles or skintight wetsuits makes for a frazzled redhead. My hedonism can not take that much deprivation. The Ga Ga’s need to be feed regularly so I have hidden his surf boards. HA, you’re stuck now bub…at least for a month or so.

In case the thought bulbs are going off the answer is yes. He did miss Father’s Day, our anniversary and his birthday while he was gone. Actually you all made his birthday something extra special this year…he loved all of his birthday comments! Thank you guys very much from the bottom of my heart for leaving them. He did leave a comment on there for you all, in case you didn’t see it. He wanted me to do it but I made my sometimes bashful guy pony up ๐Ÿ™‚

Any-hoo, I just wanted to let you all know that I am declaring today a day off for the TICKLED BEYOND BELIEF monkeys and myself. We have missed him like crazy since this is the longest amount of time that he has ever been away from us.ย  Seeing as how my surfer is a touch exhausted from surfing, traveling and taking care of a few teenage boys for 3 weeks, we are spending the day being lazy and reviving one of our favorite family activities… The Family Pile-Up. Movies, popcorn and belated fireworks later on this evening are on our agenda. Mostly we’ll all just be connected at the hip for a while.

Personally I plan to be wrapped around him like a fajita for the rest of the week. I might…might… possibly peel myself off long enough to post some recipes and monkey shenanigans but then again I may just stick to him like cheese and stay that way permanently.

So this Monday is Giving is a simple yet very important reminder, “Spend as much time with your loved ones as possible”

I know that the monkeys and I will be ๐Ÿ™‚

Hugs & Kisses,

Tickled Red

Let me set the stage for you.

Sunday evening we took the monkeys to their annual piano recital. The recital is always held at Ms. Emma’s church, a venerable place of tranquility. The lighting was soft and golden with the sun still illuminating widows of delicate stained glass. Parents were gathered to enjoy a peaceful night listening to young budding pianist and vocalist perform their very best renditions ofย  Bach, Chopin as well as a few unusual selections.

Just so you know when it comes to musical selections for recitals I am not a puritan about playing only the classics. I encourage the monkeys to spread their creative wings.

The monkeys turns came and they played their pieces.

Sixth on the list to play Monkey Two performed, “May the Force Be With You” & “Imperial March”. Yes my boys picked Star Wars. I have to say, even though I am completely biased, that it was awesome ๐Ÿ™‚

Eighth on the list to play Monkey One performed his piece, “Star Wars Main Theme”.

All went well. There were no big fumbles. The monkeys blew through their bows but all in all a good evening. We now had time to sit back and appreciate the next fifteen students talented musical abilities.

As I was listening to a lovely young lady serenade all of us with, “Once Upon a December” the music began to make me feel all warm and fuzzy. I thought to myself about how blessed I am to share my life with three such wonderful gentlemen. Adoringly I looked over at my guys and ???

I spied the beginnings of a smirk on my darlin’ surfer’s lovely mouth along with paper and pencil in my oldest boys hand. There was the slightest of tingles across my neck.ย  I turned on my camera and held it nonchalantly so as not to tip off the sneaks.

What tomfoolery are you two about?

This can’t be good! We areย  in a church surround by parents trying to pay attention to Clementi’sย  Sonatina, Op. 36, No. 1 and you two rascals are over there passing notes and giggling, FOR SHAME!! Ummm… what exactly are you guys doing?!?

OH-smirk-MY-snicker-Word muffled giggle!! Bless your fun lovin’ hearts. You guys crack me up.

I see you! Yes you surfer boy! And you are so busted you big Instigator of monkeys and bad influence to our sweet angelic boys.

MmHmm… Gottcha M1! I see you drawing B52’s dropping bombs and blowing that poor stick mans head off with a machine gun.

Ha! Like hiding is going to save you now.ย  And check out the instigator would you. That’s not remorse or chagrin on his cute face. Oh no! If that isn’t a face full of mischievousness then I don’t know what is. Who am I kidding, I love you even if you are a bad influence sometimes.

I should have been embarrassed and mortified. The thought did cross my mind to slink into another pew and pretend that I wasn’t associated with them but it would’ve never worked.

One: I love them to pieces even if they do entangle me in their shenanigans.

Two: I am not exactly inconspicuous with the red hair and all, so the idea of separating myself never works out in the end.

Three: I was just as guilty of being a distraction to those around us with all of the CLICK-CLICK-CLICKING from my camera. I know the guy in front of me told his wife on the drive home, “Let’sย  make sure that we don’t sit near the Star Wars playing, snickering, shutterbugs at the next recital. That surf family beats all!”

Let me give you some details of the drawing because by the time the evening festivities wrapped up more had been added.

B52 bomber dropping not one but two missiles with the name “The Big Boy” written on them.

The poor stick man not only took machine gun fire to the head but a lighting bolt tagged him as well.

Another stick man asking ever so politely, “What’s that smell?” oblivious to the fact that he was about to be struck by a nuclear missile. How do I know it was nuclear? There was the well known radio active symbol drawn in detail on it’s side. Below him was a tank of electric ells.

Let’s not leave out the dog walking stick man stating to whomever shall listen, “Release the dogs”. Oh I forgot, the dogs were chewing on the legs of Mr. “What’s that smell?”.

And last but not least there was a black hole.

Now some of you are probably thinking to yourselves, ” Oh dear! Those guys of Red’s are blood thirsty, warmongering heathens!” I assure you that they aren’t. They are just your average testosterone filled scamps and they are mine all mine. Thank you my loves for the never ending laughs. You TICKLE me always.

What have your monkeys been up too?


Tickled Red

The Instigator and the monkeys struck again ya’ll!! Once I spend the morning figuring out how to clean up the photo’s I will share their latest shenanigan with you. I just can’t take these boys anywhere and yes when I refer to the boys my surfer is included. Bless their fun lovin’ hearts these guys keep me entertained and laughing always.

Have a great morning ya’ll,


Even though this was a random drawing I wanted to make sure that you all had fun and that I kept my monkeys occupied at the same time. Today also happens to be in the 80’s here, so why not Apple Bobbing?ย  That is indeed what we did by jotting everyone’s name on an apple.

Filling a tub with water.

Adding the lovely apples with my buddies, my pals names on them into the water.

Monkey One gave them a good spin for complete fairness. He unfortunately lost the coin toss to see who would bob for the winner to his younger brother ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

Then…Bob Monkey Two! BOB!

Opps! Missed darlin’. Try again.

Opps! One more time monkey.

Good job monkey man ๐Ÿ™‚ * Note to the winner-Please ignore the chicken legs in the background, those are not included in your prize.*

Congratulations Alecia!! You are the winner of one “Unclutter Your Life in One Week” book ๐Ÿ™‚ I will be sending you an email soon. We had a blast bobbing for your name.

On a side note, I had to show ya’ll these before I call it a day.

Can I say “Full Metal Jacket”, in the bathroom psycho look!!ย  What’s up with that? Geez Monkey Two, I am not going to sleep at all tonight.

FYI Mr. Blue Eyes, if you don’t stop wrinkling your forehead now you will end up looking like a Klingon.ย  Just a little motherly advise my monkey.

Thank you all very much for participating in my first Monday is Giving-Giveaway. I had so much fun doing it. As for the apple bobbing that is just one of the many entertainments brought to you by Red Monkey Productions. Please stay tuned for more productions that are still in development.

Have a great weekend!

Tickled Red

See that guy? My cutie, my surfer, my love. Yes that guy. He is an instigator, BIG TIME! A trouble maker with a capitol T and he struck this Easter Sunday. Don’t let the cuteness fool you folks.

Neither should you let this look hide his true nature from you. 90% of the time he morphs into what I call his stern and tough guy look whenever a camera is around. My darlin’ is not a fan ofย  cameras.

This however is his true nature. It is why I fell hopelessly head over heels into Ga Ga Land never to return. My love plays. He enjoys himself, he has fun and he lives life to it’s fullest. This man of mine constantly makes me go Bubububububu. Kinda like Goldie Hawn in the movie Over Board. Yep seriously bad Ga Ga’s for this guy. My brain ceases to function properly…see… I lost my train of thought. Okay moving on before I cross the line into shameless hedonism and forget my point altogether.

My love. He can take our two quiet, calm, respectful young men and turn them into hootin’ and hollerin’ monkeys. He is a closet mischief maker ya know. He is the biggest monkey of them all.

Our day always starts out benign and innocent. Then you start to pick up on a certain gesture,ย  specific look, a tone of voice and you know. Your instincts warn you that no good is about to happen. Monkey One gets this. Something’s coming, he can feel it deep down in his bones. You can tell that his instincts have kicked in by his smile. His radar has not missed the mischievous vibes emanating from behind him. Then he hears the ever so subtle jibe of, “Hey son. Your Easter candy sure does taste good”. Instigator in action.

The jibe worked. You don’t ever take one of the monkeys candy and expect to get away with it for long. My boys also know that they can’t beat their dad fair and square either. So my oldest decides on a hit a run approach so to speak. Hoping to getย  his stolen candy back via distraction.

Nice try but no cigar kiddo. Dad never once spilled a drop of Diet Coke or stopped eating the candy that he stole. Look he is still munching away back there. At least you got away unscathed my son…this time.

Would you like to see how round two turns out? Look closely at the blue shirt in the background. That would be Monkey One. This time he goes for the ole’ sneak attack. Oops, he’s gotcha!

Still not a drop of Diet Coke spilled by Dad and no candy recovered.

Alright that does it, both of you guys are bad influences. Look at my youngest child. Now he has the hair brained notion to sneak attack someone.

And right on top of me to boot. Yipes!

At least our youngest seems to be the better tactician. He doesn’t go after the insurmountable obstacle of his dad. Not my smart little guy, he goes after his big brothers bag of candy. Dad’s not loving this at all is he?

Monkey Two scores! You had better run like the wind baby. Your big brother won’t suffer loosing his candy to both you and dad.

Yes sirree, I have always told you never to gloat. It catches up with you, pun intended. Well of course I couldn’t let my guys out shine me and have all of the fun. I am good at sneak attacks too ya know ๐Ÿ™‚

Gotcha my love’! Not to mention smooching you is always a bonus, so I get the double whammy in points…SCORE!

Now how can I blame my boys for their shenanigans when they come from this man? Can I expect anything less from them when they look UP to him? Literally! Geez you crazy extremest. Could you stop being a monkey, daredevil, bad influence for one minute?

Oh I give up. I am outnumbered and surround by testosterone 24-7. To be honest I wouldn’t change it for all the money or jewels in the world. They keep me on my toes and my days filled with laughter. Not to mention I could just eat them all three with a spoon. Thanks for the perfect Easter Sunday guys. You TICKLE me always and forever.

I am off to see what they are getting into now. Has my darlin’ taught them to bungee from the trees? Jump a ravine with their mountain bikes? Scale the roof with nothing but a shoe string and a piece of gum? There is no telling.

Wish me luck! Send prayers ๐Ÿ™‚

Tickled Red