It’s my darlin’ surfers birthday!! That’s right everyone πŸ™‚

Un-huh, Oh Yeah! It’s your birthday getcha grove on. It’s your birthday I’m gonna embarrass you! Just a little…I swear!

I have a plan and I really, really need your help to pull it off.

You see as much as my darlin’ is not a huge fan of birthday celebrations for himself (dinner, a cheesecake, movie with the boys and he is good to go) I have always wanted to throw him a HUMONGOUS surprise birthday party but something always gets in the way. Busy surfing competition schedule…grumble, moan, whine, grumble.

My love also humors me when it comes to the blog. He loves that it makes me happy, has me cooking more and has the creative juices flowing but he doesn’t quite get it? Nor does he realize how many of you actually read the blog. Especially when I post Mr. Studly in his wetsuit and board shorts on here…giggle.Β  To be honest he doesn’t much think about the blog until he looks around at the messy house and says…

” Hey honey? You do realize that there is a world other than cyberspace…wanna join us? By the way super sexy pj’s but after three days of living in them not so much anymore…(sniff, sniff). Who are you talking to on there anyway…little cyber aliens?”

Suck it in honey…you are older today you know. HA,HA…I didn’t mean it…please no pressure points…Hee,hee.

For his birthday this year I was thinking about how much fun it would be to have an online “Surprise!! Happy Birthday Surfer Boy!!”. This way I get to embarrass him just a little, which I love to do and show him how many of you are reading stories about him. He doesn’t believe me…at all…seriously!

So if you are reading this post please drop a little Happy Birthday comment for my darlin’ surfer. Then I am going to sit him down and show him that the little cyber aliens believe he’s just as sweet as I do. Even if he is an instigator and does some crazy extreme shenanigans. This is going to be so much fun ya’ll…well at least for me anyway.

Did I ever tell you all how a lady once said to me, “You go girl! I hear you robbing the cradle and all.”, when friends pointed out to her that my darlin’ was my husband? So if you can guess his age correctly I will see if I can get him to write you back. I can’t make any promises because he can be a bit shy at times depending on the situation. I have a feeling that this little stunt is going to make my guy blush. Come on ya’ll lets make him blush.

Happy Birthday My Darlin’ πŸ™‚ Enjoy the day and all of the attention!

You know that I love you more than my books or my Kitchen Aid mixer my love! So please, please, please don’t hold me down and TICKLE me until I wet my pants when you see this. SMOOCHES

Laughing til’ I can’t breathe,

Tickled Red